A useful feature on your Little Green Button Management Site is to export a .csv file's.

In order to do this, first you will need to log into your Management Site (note: if you do not have access, please contact either your site administrator, or the LGB support team).

Exporting can be used in the following areas;


This provides a .csv file containing information such as the username, device, location and software version (or whichever information you choose) of all devices that have checked in within the last 28 days.

First, navigate to your Reports tab, as shown below;

In the event that you need to export specific information, you can select certain rows to only export these. The Filter field at the top of the table can be used to help you find the objects you wish to select.

If you wish to export all information, leave this field blank. By default, the export will extract all information on all devices that have checked in in the last 28 days.

Scroll down the page, and click on "Export CSV"

The file will now download and is ready to use.

Please be aware that timestamps in the .csv export are formatted in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


This provides a .csv file containing reports on Devices, Locations or Groups.


First, navigate to your Configuration tab, as shown below;

From here, you can select either Devices, Locations or Groups as described previously.

You can then click "Export CSV" 

The file will now download and is ready to use.