For any assistance installing Little Green Button please see the respective Android and iOS guides.

Raising an alert

To be able send an alert, the app will need to be active.

To request assistance, double-tap the green button.  A red tab will appear, indicating an alert has been sent out and you will see a timeline of events relating to the alert.

Note: If this was raised accidentally or is no longer required, you can cancel this alert by "sliding" the arrows to the right. Any devices that had received the alert, will be notified that it has been cancelled

As soon as someone responds to the request, the below screen will show;

You will then be able to click "Next" to view information on the alert

Receiving an Alert

When you receive an alert, your phone will receive a push notification and display where the alert has originated. Tapping on this notification will launch the Little Green Button mobile app.

The alert notification will display in red and will show you:

  • Type of Alert
  • Username
  • Location
  • Phone number 

From here you can:

Dismiss the alert to ignore it

Depending on your procedures, you may want to dismiss an alert that has already been responded to, or does not apply to you.

Respond to the alert

If you respond to the alert, everyone will be able to see that you have responded to this request. You will receive the following notification;

Call the alerter

You can use the "Call" button to call the alerter directly (where a mobile number has been entered)