Testing Little Green Button

We always recommend our users test Little Green Button regularly, and report any issues to our support team immediately.

Little Green Button works best when everyone knows what to do in the event of an alert, and our users run practice Little Green Button alerts on a monthly basis, just like you would for a fire alarm or a smoke detector.

Why should I run a test alert?

  • Regular test alerts mean that you have a chance to check everything is working from an IT set up point of view. If any buttons are grey, you will need to investigate. It may be that there is currently no-one available to respond, or that the button is not connecting to other buttons. If an alert is not raised on a particular device, check that there aren’t any other buttons sharing the same location name.

  • Your staff need regular training and refreshers on what to do in the event of an alert being raised. A practice run allows everyone to understand how they can help in a panic situation, and gives them peace of mind that they can raise an alert and get assistance if they should need it.

  • Testing can help to flag up where Little Green Button may not be installed if you have recently replaced or upgraded any PCs.

  • Overall, a proactive approach means you can be prepared, so that if a real-life alert does occur, everyone knows what to do and has confidence in your agreed procedure for an alert.

How do I run a test alert?

We understand that every organisation will want to use Little Green Button slightly differently, and it’s completely up to you how you decide to make Little Green Button part of your day-to-day working life.

Having said that, here’s some tips we’ve learned from over a decade of our users running alerts through Little Green Button.

  • Some users dedicate a time each week to run an alert practice, so that all staff know it is a practice and have it marked in their diary. On the other hand, you may prefer to set a different time each week or month, so that it feels more like a real life scenario.

  • Before the alert- staff should be adequately trained on what to do if the alert is raised. Little Green Button should be installed on all relevant devices.

  • During the alert- make sure your testing schedule allows for each button to be pressed, so that you know each relevant device can raise an alert. And also, ensure each device can respond to an alert too. You should check that each Little Green Button installation is correctly configured for its location.

  • After the alert- a team debrief is a good idea- it allows you to make any necessary changes to your procedures, contact Little Green Button support team if necessary, and it helps everyone to feel safe in an emergency situation.


It’s really important to run regular practice drills of your Little Green Button panic alarm to give you peace of mind and protect your staff. Why not grab the diary and schedule one in now?